The Howard School 2019

howard school football 2019 coach john starr

Coach John Starr

Q. How would you characterize this year’s team?

A. Hardworking.

Q. What will be the keys to your success?

A. Staying focused during and not getting discouraged in the early season.

Q. Who will be your key leaders on the team?

A. Tremontay Brooks (QB/RB), Jarquell Wooten (OL/DL), Eric Johnson (RB/DB), Willie Owens (TE/DE), and Calvin James (SE/DB).

howard school football 2019 statsQ. What are your biggest reasons for optimism?

A. Experience at skill positions.

Q. What will keep you up at night?

A. Inexperience in the offensive line.

Q. What can you build on from last year?

A. Our effort and showmanship in the post-season.

Q. Any lessons learned from last year?

A. We have to stay focused for four quarters.

Q. Will we see anything different this year?

A. We will continue to build on last year.

Q. How would you characterize your team’s speed?

A. We should be fast on defense.



Coach’s View

This team has the physical ability to compete every night. We have about 10 seniors that have lots of game experience.



Photos by Herman Prater




howard school football 2019 eric johnson

Eric Johnson

howard school football 2019 terran bell

Terran Bell

howard school football 2019 willie owens

Willie Owens

howard school football 2019 davontay smith

Davontay Smith

howard school football 2019 calvin james

Calvin James

howard school football 2019 jaquell wooten

Jarquell Wooten

howard school football 2019 tremontay brooks

Tremontay Brooks


howard school football 2019 roster
